Increasing feed costs affect the farming industry
NORTHERN IRELAND - The Ulster Farmers’ Union hosted representatives from the Northern Ireland Grain Trade Association this week, to discuss feed costs in the local farming industry.
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The Union says the rise in feed costs is becoming an increasing problem for the local agriculture sector.
UFU Deputy President Campbell Tweed, who led the farming delegation, said the meeting was necessary to establish the main reasons for the increase in feed costs and the projected trends in feed costs.
Campbell Tweed said; “Our meeting has been very useful. Last years European drought, increasing demand from China and increased freight costs, are all pushing feed prices upwards. These are global factors, but we have urged the grain trade to contain prices where possible“.
Campbell Tweed said that the increase in input costs for all commodities needed to be reflected in the food chain, otherwise farmers were left to bear the brunt of the increase in production costs. He said; “There is particular concern about the difficult situation for pig producers and the ever widening differential in pig prices with GB, since the Lovell and Christmas fire in 1998.
If market prices don’t improve to reflect the significant increase in input costs, then farm businesses clearly face an unsustainable position. The UFU will be highlighting the situation to both processors and retailers.
Source: Ulster Farmers Union - 2nd February 2004