Classical Swine Fever in Italy
ITALY - This is an update on an earlier report (via OIE) on an outbreak of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in the Ardara district, Sassari province, Sardinia region.
See also: 26 September 2003
Information received on 10 October 2003 from Dr Romano Marabelli, Director General of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Public Health, Rome:
End of previous report period: 22 September 2003 (see Disease Information, 16 [39], 213, dated 26 September 2003).
End of this report period: 30 September 2003.
Description of affected population in the outbreak: domestic pigs (7 pigs over 24 months old, 2 pigs over 9 months old and 3 piglets).
A. Laboratory where diagnosis was made: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sardegna - Sede di Sassari.
B. Diagnostic tests used: fluorescent antibody test (FAT).
A. Source of agent / origin of infection: unknown.
B. Mode of spread: possible contact with infected animals.
C. Other epidemiological details: in 2002-2003, 35 seropositive boars were identified in the municipalities of Ozieri, Tempio, Nuoro, Lanusei, Cagliari.
Control measures during reporting period:
- stamping out;
- zoning.
Further Information
Information on Classical Swine FeverSource: OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIZOOTIES - 10th October 2003