Diagnosing pregnancy on the farm
- From service to 21 days maintain close boar contact. Provide boar pheromone contact throughout pregnancy.
- Observe sows for oestrus daily and particularly on 18-22 days post-service. No oestrus indicates a pregnancy has started. Maintain daily detection throughout pregnancy.
- Check the vulva daily for tackiness from day 14-21 and thereafter for discharges throughout pregnancy.
- Test the sow at 28-35 post-service using a döppler machine.
- A positive test - leave the sow where she is.
- A negative test - move the sow to the service area for close observation and boar contact.
- A doubtful test - repeat 7 days later.
- Pregnancy test the sow again between 40-47 days using a döppler machine. Follow as for 6.
- Visually check the sow for abdominal enlargement, teat and mammary vein enlargement from day 80 of pregnancy.