Hog Slat's integrated stanchion system features solid rod construction with a powder epoxy paint or hot-dipped galvanized finish.

You can't afford to install inferior slats in your building projects. Insist on Hog Slat's premium slat... get it right the first time.

Grower Select® is an exclusive brand of Hog Slat Inc and Georgia Poultry designed to bring EXCEPTIONAL VALUE to our customers.

GrowerSELECT's AirStorm fiberglass fans deliver superior ventilation performance to producers who demand the best value. AirStorm fiberglass fans are key components in designing efficient swine and poultry ventilation systems.

Hog Slat's bulk feed tanks are the heaviest grade of feed bins on the market today. Our bins are longer lasting and built with 5-10% more steel, by weight, than other available tanks on the market.

The GrowerSELECT® Grow-Disk™ feeding system offers a wide rancalge of flexibility to provide swine feeding solutions in farrowing, gestation and finishing layouts.