Walking the pens on ThePigSite.com, presented by Zoetis Animal Health

New Scenario March 2010

A flag has gone up. One of the barns with finisher hogs is experiencing reduced water intake according to our water meters. Typically this means this barn is experiencing some sort of disease break. You have an assignment. We need you to walk through this barn and see if intervention is necessary. You have clearance to go ahead and take action. Please do a report to the veterinarian if you see any worrisome signs. He will give you feedback on actions based on signs that you are seeing. This group has done very well so far and we don’t want to have major losses at this age of pig. Please do a thorough job at looking at individual hogs and the group in this barn.

Remember you are competing against other players around the nation for each scenario. There is a competition to see who gets the best scores on this scenario and a competition to see who will get the best score over all scenarios. So come back next month to see what your next assignment will be and add more net profit (or loss) to your overall score based on your actions in the barn. What you do each day in the barn makes a difference.

If you want to set up a system competition, contact your Zoetis Sales Representative or Ken Haas at [email protected].


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