Purebred Large White

Hermitage Maternal Line Large Whites have been developed since 1958, representing over 50 years intensive selection and testing for reproductive performance traits. The underlying Hermitage Maternal Line Breeding Programmes and BLUP selection indices have been specifically formulated to ensure our Large White lines are produced with the genetic potential to maximize the number of pigs born and reared in a commercial environment.
Hermitage has recently expanded our high health purebred Large White nucleus and now we maintain over 4,500 GGP/GP sows across the globe. By selecting the highest indexing GGP females in the population and using Hermitage Mate Select BLUP programmes we continue to rapidly increase our genetic progress for litter size and using technologies such as Embryo Transfer, we can disseminate this progress to both our customer and nucleus herds worldwide.
All Hermitage purebreds are registered with the Irish Pedigree Pig Breeders Association and their sires identified in Hermitage's Molecular Genetic Database.
• GGP and GP Lines.
• Hyperprolific.
• Optimum Growth and High Appetite.
• Excellent Conformation.
• Strong Legs and Bone.
• Back-fat Monitored.
• Proven Longevity.
• Halothane Negative.
• Excellent Temperament.
Average number born alive
Average number born alive for all litters of all dams of Maternal Line Large White AI boars standing at Hermitage Studs.

AI Boar Classification
Hermitage Maternal Line AI Boar Classification

Important Notes and Links
• Semen available from Top Performing Hermitage Terminal Line boars to support your farm specific breeding programmes.
• Fresh and Frozen semen supplied from Hermitage High Health, ISO9001 Approved AI centres.
For more information please Click here to download the Hermitage Genetics Brochure
Recent News
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Split-Sexing of Finishing Pigs: the BenefitsMonday, December 08, 2014
New Maternal Line BLUP Options to Maximise ProfitabilityWednesday, December 03, 2014
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