Breeding Excellence in our Genes
Hermitage Pedigree Pigs Ltd., has been dedicated to specifically designing high performance, high health pig genetics for our customers herds since 1958. Operating from our base in Kilkenny, Ireland, we have developed specific breeding pigs to suit commercial market conditions both at home and worldwide.At Hermitage we operate two distinct 'breeding programmes' producing both maternal and terminal lines and our breeding stock have repeatedly proven to be the market leaders for the production of the economically important traits.
Terminal Lines
The Hermitage Terminal Line Index (T.L.I), focuses specifically on the terminal traits including growth rate, feed conversion, backfat, muscle depth and lean % ensuring that the top performing terminal line animals are selected each generation.
Maternal Lines
The Maternal Line Index or M.L.I. focuses specifically on the maternal traits including: numbers born alive, feed intake, litter weight, growth rate and backfat. The graphs show the progress that has been made in the key maternal traits.
Re-Stock Programmes
The Hermitage de-stock/re-stock programme has been specifically developed and fine tuned over the years to meet our customers requirements.
Hermitage AI
Hermitage have developed a world renowned operating and quality control procedure controlling all areas of AI boar management and nutrition.
Research & Development
Supporting the Hermitage 'Hylean, Hyperprolific, High Health' breeding programmes is an extensive Research and Development programme focusing on key factors to further enhance the Hermitage product portfolio.
Embryo Transfer
Porcine Embryo Transfer is a key tool facilitating the high health transfer of Hermitage Genetics worldwide. The top performing sows in the Hermitage pyramid are identified through their BLUP value and their Maternal and Terminal Line Indices.
Recent News
Monday, August 15, 2016
Importance of Improving Food Conversion Efficiency in PigsFriday, August 12, 2016
Focus on Milking Ability – Maternal Line Index 2Friday, January 30, 2015
Split-Sexing of Finishing Pigs: the BenefitsMonday, December 08, 2014
New Maternal Line BLUP Options to Maximise ProfitabilityWednesday, December 03, 2014
Hermitage Purebred Landrace GGP and GP Females