Inherited thick legs (Hyperostosis)
This disease primarily affects piglets. The key clinical signs include think, boney legs; lameness; poor piglets.Background and history
This is a very rare condition of newborn piglets which is thought to be inherited. Individual litters are born with boney thickening of the legs, most notably the front legs. The pigs cannot walk properly and usually fail to thrive. If such a condition arises check that the boar has not thrown other similar litters and do not mate the sow with the same boar again.
Congenital hyperostosis is described in the literature and is suspected to be a rare autosomal recessive condition.
Clinical signs
Piglets have thick, boney legs. They cannot walk properly.
This is based on the clinical signs.
Genetic inheritance.
Check the litter history of the boar. If it has a history of throwing piglets with hyperostosis, do not breed from it again.