Diseases and welfare issues associated with sow stalls and tethers
- Badly maintained concrete. Pools of urine
- Decreasing daylight length
- High air flow
- Lack of boar contact
- Lameness
- Low feed levels
- Low intensity of light
- Low variable temperatures
- Poor hygiene
- Stressful environment
- Arthritis
- Bad slats
- Bursitis / trauma
- Bush foot / trauma
- Environmental trauma
- Faulty vaccination
- Poor concrete
- Stalls too small
- Leg weakness (OCD)
- Slippery floors
- Stalls to small
- Trauma
- Worn slats
- Poor concrete surfaces
- Trauma
Cystitis pyelonephritis
- Frozen pipes.
- Infrequent urination.
- Lameness.
- Once a day feeding.
- Poor access to water.
- Water shortage.
- Poor concrete surfaces
- Pressure sores
- Trauma
Inability to express natural behaviour
- Total individual confinement
Leg weakness (OCD) Lameness
- See arthritis
- Bush foot
- New concrete or slats
- Poor muscle tone
- Poor selection of gilts
- Poor slippery floor surfaces
- Thin weak bones from lack of exercise
- Worn slats
- Young animals
- Bad drainage
- Poor hygiene
- Solid gates in stalls
- Trauma
- Udder contamination
Neck and girth sores
- Old worn-out or dirty tethers
- Poor management
- Tethers too tight, poor design
Overgrown distorted claws
- Lack of exercise
- Leg weakness factors
- Slats wrong way, gaps too wide
- Smooth surfaces
Prolapse rectum or vagina
- Badly designed tail gates
- Short standing area and a deep step
- Slippery floors
- Sloping floors
Shoulder sores
- Poor concrete surfaces
- Slippery floor surfaces
- Thin animals
Slow farrowing
- Lack of muscle tone
- Old sows
Stereotypic behaviour
- Boredom
Thin sow syndrome
- Bullying
- Disease (Cont.)
- Draughts
- Low feed intake
- Mange
- Parasite burdens
- Poor environments (cold)
- Poor nutrition
Vulval discharge
- Build up of faeces behind the sow at the bottom of
- the tail gate
- Dirty weaning pens
- Dirty wet boar pens