UK Pig Disease Quarterly Surveillance Report (to June 2005)
By Veterinary Laboratories Agency - This report monitors trends in the major endemic pig diseases and utilises the farmfile and VIDA (Veterinary Investigation Disease Analysis) databases. The report is compiled using disease data gathered by the network of 15 VLA regional laboratories which carry out disease investigation in the field.
Quarterly Surveillance Report
Highlights: Second Quarter 2005
Bovine tuberculosis in pigs in Cornwall
Thirty four human deaths in China attributed to Streptococcus suis
More incidents investigated of raised mortality in finishing pigs – often involving the respiratory disease complex
The Meat and Livestock Commission
Economics ‘Pig Market Outlook’ has been
replaced by ‘Pig Market Trends’, which is
obtainable from
The GB DAPP (GB Deadweight Average
Pig Price) remained fairly steady at
106p/kg dw. Further details on DAPP
and various trends are available on BPEX
webpages, such as,
that provide details of the British Pig
Health Scheme.
A new Quality Standard Mark was
introduced to help consumers distinguish
between British produce and imports. A
British Pig Executive (BPEX) study has
shown that two thirds of imported pork,
bacon and ham do not meet UK minimum
production standards.
No suspect incidents of swine fever or Aujeszky’s disease were reported that required statutory laboratory investigations.
No suspect incidents involving pigs were reported.
Recorded incidents of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium were fewer than for the
same quarter for the previous four years. Histogram shows second quarter percentages of
relevant submissions with a diagnosis of salmonellosis.
Second Quarter Data For Each Year Vertical bars indicate 95% confidence limits |
No particularly unusual or severe outbreaks of salmonellosis were reported, whereas the association of salmonella infections as an additional pathogen in incidents of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) remains a frequent observation.
Zoonoses Action Plan (ZAP, see visit uptake to category 3 herds (with >85% meatjuice samples antibody positive) increased with nine visits carried out by VLA during the quarter. Salmonellas were isolated from 20% of samples collected, with Typhimurium by far the most commonly isolated serovar. In line with general surveillance data, U288 and 193 were the most frequently isolated definitive types. At the ZAP visits, salmonellas were isolated from bird faeces on 25% and from rodent faeces on 50% of farms. Two thirds of the hospital pens yielded positive salmonella cultures.
Five pig carcases slaughtered at a Cornish abattoir showed lesions typical of tuberculosis.
The lesions were present in the submaxillary, bronchomediastinal and mesenteric lymph
nodes of all five pigs, which came from one smallholding. Mycobacterium bovis was
isolated. Over the next three weeks six pigs from the same litter showed the same lesions
at the abattoir and M.bovis was again isolated. Histopathological examination of samples
showed changes typical of tuberculosis with acidfast organisms present.
The owner had only two breeding pigs – a sow and a boar – that had been housed all their
lives and bedded on straw. They produced between two to three litters a year that were
reared and sold directly for slaughter to the local abattoir. The infected litter was born in
September 2004. Both sow and piglets were fed supplementary cows’ milk obtained
untreated from a local dairy farm until the piglets were 12-weeks-old. All were moved to
an open-sided barn when the piglets were five-weeks old. When the pigs were weaned at
12-weeks of age the sow was moved into the boar pen where she remained for 6 to 8
weeks. There were a small number of cattle present on the farm that were tuberculin
tested soon after the discovery of this incident, no reactors were disclosed.
Investigation of the farm of origin of the milk, and a subsequent tuberculin test, did not
detect any recent tuberculosis reactors. Calves on the farm were fed waste milk from the
same source without any problems. Milk from the same source was also fed to the
herdsman’s pigs, which were slaughtered around the same time as the tuberculous pigs
but without showing any lesions of tuberculosis themselves.
A large badger sett is in close proximity to the farm buildings, and it is possible that a
tuberculous badger died in one of the farm buildings, such as the open-sided barn, and
was then eaten by the pigs when they were moved into that shed five weeks after
farrowing. Another possibility is that the pig area was contaminated by an infected badger
through urine and faeces. However, the route of infection remains undetermined.
The owner decided to cull the sow and boar following significant bovine reactions to the
comparative tuberculin test in both animals. The animals were submitted to VLA Truro for
necropsy. The sow had multiple caseous foci in right and left retropharyngeal lymph
nodes and in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Careful inspection of the udder of the sow was
carried out but only small purulent abscesses were detected and histopathological
examination indicated that the lesions were atypical of tuberculosis. The boar had multiple
caseous foci in right and left retropharyngeal, bronchial, mediastinal, and mesenteric
lymph nodes. One caseous abscess was present in the lungs and a granulomatous lesion
was found in the liver.
To read the full 7 page pdf report Click Here
Source: Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) - August 2005