New organism isolated from pigs
A leading Lincoln University researcher has helped colleagues in Belgium describe an entirely new bacterial species found in the pig intestineCareful work from Ghent University isolated an organism from the intestinal mucus lining of a pig, which was helped with its characterisation by Professor Stephen On at Lincoln.
“What is noteworthy about this species is its very close association with the intestinal lining,” said Professor On. “There are other related bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori that are associated with ulcers and even cancers where they are in such close contact with intestinal tissue.”
The new organism, which the investigators named Arcobacter vandammei, was not seen in any such symptomatic tissue, but Professor On suggested it deserved a “watching brief.”
“Other Arcobacter species have been associated with food poisoning or animal health issues, as with any new organism it is worth keeping an eye on,” said Professor On.
Read the full article here.