Nebraska Swine Report 2005 : Out-of-Feed Events in Grow-Finish Pigs
By Brian Richert, Purdue University; Jeremy Marchant-Forde and Ruth Marchant-Forde, USDA-ARS Research Associates, Purdue University and Mike Brumm, University of Nebraska - In theory, bulk bins and automated feed delivery systems assure an uninterrupted flow of feed to the feeder in swine grow-finish facilities. In practice, growing-finishing pigs have varying disruptions in feed availability, some of which may have serious consequences.Summary and Implications
While every swine grow-finish facility has occasional disruptions due to mechanical failures in the feed delivery system, there are additional disruptions due to human errors associated with keeping feed in the bulk bin and feed bridging associated with feed removal from the bin. Out-of-feed events are a known cause of ulcers in pigs and are suspected of being associated with increased incidence of hemorrhagic bowel syndrome and ileitis. It is speculated that each 20 to 24 hour out-offeed event results in an increase in variation in growth within a population of pigs and results in a reduction in daily gain.
One of the most common
responses to critics of modern production
practices, especially confinement
grow-finish facilities, is
“we put pigs in these facilities to
better provide for their daily
needs.” Yet, evidence is mounting
that many producers are failing
to meet this claim if the daily
needs include unlimited access to
A majority of finishing facilities
have bulk bins and automated
feed delivery systems. In theory,
these bins and delivery systems
assure an uninterrupted flow of
feed to the feeder. In practice,
growing-finishing pigs have varying
disruptions in feed availability,
some of which may have
serious consequences.
The three major causes for outof- feed events in grower-finisher facilities are:
- human errors,
- bridging of feed,
- equipment malfunction.
Human Errors: Human errors
generally are associated with
empty bins, which occurs when
feed is not ordered, prepared, and
delivered in a timely manner.
While preventable, this cause of
out-of-feed events occurs more
often than producers like to
admit. It is most likely that this
cause has increased as an increasing
percentage of feed processing
and delivery is provided by commercial
mills, rather than on the
farm. When feed is processed on
the farm, an empty feeder or empty
bin is relatively easy to resolve.
The producer immediately processes
enough feed to fill the bin
and/or feeder.
However, with commercial
mills, feed preparation and transport
scheduling becomes an issue.
Instead of a producer making
an independent decision that feed
processing is a high priority due
to an empty (or near empty) bin
or feeder, a central mill may
require 24-hour or even 48-hour
notice. Even if a mill accepts sameday
orders, an order placed at 7
a.m. (when the empty bin is discovered)
may not be delivered until
mid-afternoon due to orders
already received or previously
scheduled. This means producers
and production managers must
estimate bin inventories and
anticipate feed disappearance.
Field experience suggests there is
a wide variation in the ability of
producers/managers to accomplish
this vital task.
One method commonly used
to reduce this source of out-offeed
events is the addition of a
second bulk bin to the feed delivery
line. In theory, one of the two
bins is always full of feed. When
one bin runs empty, the producer
only has to close the delivery
device on one bin and open up
the other bin to restore feed
access and place an order to refill
the empty bin. However, production
staff and/or supervisors will
often by-pass this system by keeping
both bins open since it is ‘easy’.
Now, the two bulk bins are in
reality one bin, with no reserve
There are several companies
that offer bin monitoring equipment.
There is an expense to this
equipment, and until data is available
to put a dollar value on the
impact of out-of-feed events, producers
(both owners and contract
growers) have been reluctant to
invest in this equipment.
Feed Bridging: A second cause
of out-of-feed events is bridging
of ground feed in bulk bins. In
this case, feed is in the bin, but
because of issues associated with
flowability, it does not flow out of
the bin into the feed delivery line.
Producers often refer to this as
“rat-holing” of feed in the bin.
Issues with bridging generally
are limited to systems that
use meal diets. Recent results from
Kansas State University suggest
that as particle size decreases, and
the amount of fat added increases
in corn-based diets, the angle of
repose (an estimate of likelihood
of bridging) increases. In the past
10 years, there has been a marked
reduction in the average particle
size for swine diets, driven by
data which suggests a 1-1.5%
improvement in feed conversion
efficiency for each 100 micron
reduction in particle size from 1000
to 500 microns. The current University
of Nebraska and Purdue
University recommendation is to
process complete diets to an
average particle size of 650 to
750 microns for all grains except
Equipment Malfunction: The
final cause of out-of-feed events
is equipment malfunction. Again,
some producers have a larger
incidence of this than others, generally
related to the level of preventive
repair and maintenance
practiced. Intermixed with the
above causes is the fact that outof-
feed events increase as facilities
age, due to both equipment
malfunctions and general producer
apathy. To understand producer
apathy, consider what
happens in a new swine facility
the first time an out-of-feed event
occurs. In most cases, the producer
panics since his assumption
was the facility was built to
provide for the pigs’ every need,
and an out-of-feed event will have
production consequences.
facilities age and producers experience
a variety of out-of-feed
events, a general apathy often sets
in. Producers with a fixed payment
production contract ($x/pig
space/year) often ask – what are/
were the consequences to me as a
grower from the out-of-feed event?
Did the pigs become ill on the day
they were out of feed? Did my
payment change as a consequence
of out-of-feed events? Did the pig
owner notify me of a concern
because of an out-of-feed event
that they didn’t even know about?
Feed restriction in pigs is
known to cause high levels of
hunger-driven feeding motivation.
In sows, which are commonly
restricted-fed long-term, these
high levels of feeding motivation
are thought to contribute to the
development of stereotypic behaviors.
In grow-finish pigs exposed
to feed restriction for short time
periods the high levels of feeding
motivation have been shown to
manifest themselves in other ways.
For example, feed restriction
results in an increase in redirected
behavior, such as pen-mate
manipulation and an overall
increase in activity. When food
supply is reinstated, there is an
increase in feeding rate (g/min),
which in other species has been
shown to be sustained even when
feed supply subsequently remains
constant. This suggests that
repeated out-of-feed events lead
to long term changes in the eating
behavior of pigs.
There is considerable anecdotal
evidence suggesting that
when pigs are given access to feed
following a period of deprivation,
large amounts of fighting and
aggressive behaviors occur. It is
likely that this will adversely
affect the welfare of all pigs within
that pen. There is one report in
the literature of increased competition
and aggression for feeding
spaces at feeding time when
there was an unreliable or no signal
of feed delivery. Difficulties
in gaining access to feeders does
appear to influence the number
of feeding events and the length
of these feeding events and it is
possible that periods of feed
unavailability will cause a disruption
in the circadian pattern
of many behaviors within the pen.
Certainly, intermittent stressors
are known to cause changes in
circadian patterns of hormone
secretion in pigs and of behavior
in other species. There is also evidence
that variation in weight gain
increases when signals of feed
availability are unreliable versus
Gastric ulceration is a common
condition in modern pig
production, with reports varying
from 30 to 90% of all pigs in the
U.S. having some amount of stomach
ulceration at slaughter. Short
term feed deprivation (24 hours)
was shown to create ulcers in
growing pigs in studies at Purdue
University. Periodic feed interruptions
will likely create a similar
effect in ad libitum fed pigs.
While pigs being fed a 750 micron
diet had most of these ulcers
repaired by 28 days, those remaining
on a finely ground diet (550
microns) or continuing to see
weekly feed deprivations had
increased stomach ulcerations.
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome
is a health concern because as much
as 50% of all finishing deaths on
some farms are attributed to this
cause and sporadic outbreaks may
result in upwards of 10 to 20%
mortality in severe instances. It
has been suggested by Michigan
State University extension swine
veterinarians that interruptions of
feeding, such as occur with outof-
feed events, can be an inciting
factor for hemorrhagic bowel syndrome.
Veterinary pathologists
also have speculated that inconsistent
feed consumption leading
to engorgement is a risk factor for
hemorrhagic bowel syndrome.
If pigs miss one or more meals
in a 24-hour period, they do not
compensate for this missed feed
intake by over consumption when
feed does become available. This
observation is based on on-farm
recording of auger run times taken
every 15 minutes using a commercially
available monitoring
system. If feed delivery fails sometime
during the night and feed is
rapidly made available first thing
in the morning, there is little consequence.
If feed delivery stops
immediately after the previous
morning’s observations of pig
health, etc., and feed isn’t available
until 4 p.m. on the following
day, this is more than 24 hours of
feed withdrawal (depending on
the amount of feed in the feed
hopper), a period of time likely to
result in catabolism of body stores.
Pigs transported to slaughter
plants and given water but no
feed access during lairage have a
relatively rapid loss of both live
and carcass weight beginning
approximately 18 hours after the
last meal. The rate of liveweight
loss was approximately 0.21%/
hour and the loss in carcass weight
was 0.13%/hour of fast in one
study. The difference in rate of
weight loss is presumably due to
loss of intestinal fill, a loss that
would be immediately restored
with feed availability. USDA and
University of Missouri researchers
reported GI tract contents represented
50-60% of the total
liveweight loss in pigs fasted 24
hours. Liver glycogen was almost
completely depleted in pigs
deprived of food for 12 and 18
hours in work done with slaughter
pigs at packing plants.
It is quite possible that
repeated out-of-feed events impact
carcass composition. As early as
1970 there is a report that pigs fed
ad libitum every other day with a
one-day fasting period had a
reduction in daily gain with minimal
impact on feed conversion
efficiency. However, carcass dressing
percentage was reduced, in
part because a higher percentage
of weight at slaughter was visceral
mass. In a later study, there
was an increase in backfat depth
for pigs fed every other day versus
once or twice daily.
Using the equations of the 1998
National Research Council publication
‘Nutrient Requirements of
Swine’, a 110 lb pig housed in
thermo-neutral conditions
requires 1990 kcal ME/day for
maintenance or 83 kcal/hour.
Assuming 20 hours for an out-offeed
event, this 110 lb pig uses
body stores equivalent to just over
1 lb of a corn-soy diet (1500 kcal/
lb). When feed does become available,
the pig must consume 1
extra pound of feed to compensate
for body stores lost in meeting
the maintenance requirement,
plus feed associated with the loss
in growth.
If the 110 lb pig was
consuming 4.5-5.0 lb/day when
feed was available, to compensate
for the missed intake, feed
consumption would have to
increase to 5.5-6.0 lb just to compensate
for maintenance and to
restore growth to its previous rate,
not including feed consumed to
restore gut fill. In all likelihood,
any tissue gain that is lost
because of an out-of-feed event is
not compensated for in subsequent
meals based on on-farm feed
delivery system monitoring. Thus,
a 20-hour out-of-feed event can
be thought of as the equivalent to
1 day longer to slaughter, a
severe economic impact in production
systems which have fixed
time constraints on production
Out-of-feed events are a growing concern in swine grow-finish facilities. Until production or research evidence is available, many care-takers of pigs remain complacent regarding the negative impacts of this management failure. Because pigs don’t die, or appear to have clinical symptoms of disease within 24 hours of the out-of-feed event, there is no sense of urgency by many in the industry to eliminate, or at least significantly reduce the incidence of this failure. However, there are long term impacts, on pig welfare, health and performance that are only just beginning to be understood. As the industry achieves a greater understanding of these impacts it is logical to expect to see greater emphasis placed by all involved in grow-finish production to reduce the incidence of this management failure.
Further Information
To view the full list of Nebraska Swine Report 2005 articles, click here
Source: University of Nebraska, Lincoln - September 2005