Minimum biosecurity measures in outdoor production

A variety of outdoor pig production systems are present in the EU but are these more open systems playing a part in the movement of African swine fever in Europe?

In the EU, the rearing of pigs outdoors is banned in ASF-affected countries but as the virus spreads further, free-range and outdoor herds are being investigated in countries where the virus has not yet been confirmed. Based on literature research and on questionnaires on outdoor production in 12 European countries (Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands), ASF-STOP and COST have characterised outdoor production in Europe and determined minimum biosecurity measures for outdoor systems.


Awareness campaigns

Awareness campaigns play an important role in preventing the spread of disease. These campaigns may include the set informative (preventive) measures applied in the country but also at border crossings for passengers, vehicles, ships in the river ports and at the airports.

In order to increase awareness, the series of lectures for all involved subjects (veterinarians, farmers and hunters) need to be organised particularly in the areas where backyards and outdoor production is prevalent.

In the event of a worst-case scenario (ASF outbreak), the existing outdoor swine production and its connection to the ”official backyards” combined with the low level of biosecurity can be recognised as a significant risk factor for further spread of diseases to commercial pig holdings.

In order to inform and/or recall all outdoor pig producers and staff, simple informative posters and leaflets that contain the most important basic information need to be distributed. In the awareness campaign the public media (local radio and TV station) and local newspapers may be included. Well-known radio and TV broadcasts dedicated to agriculture and livestock production are one of the best and fastest way to share information about biosecurity recommendations for this kind of pig production.

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Marta Martínez Avilés

Animal Health Research Center, INIA-CISA. Valdeolmos 28130 Madrid, SPAIN.

Ana de la Torre

Animal Health Research Center, INIA-CISA. Valdeolmos 28130 Madrid, SPAIN.

Jasna Prodanov-Radulović

Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad“. Rumenacki put 20, 21000 Novi Sad. SERBIA

Silvia Bellini

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia ed Emilia Romagna Via Bianchi 9, 25124 Brescia ITALY

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