Don't Lose £s at the Final Stage
Tips on nutrition, feeding and management to miminimise variation in finishing pigs.The effort and resources that go into the
finished pig should not be lost at the
final stage. Variation among pigs ready for
slaughter can significantly affect financial
Producers should look at a minimum of
three months worth of abattoir grading
information to help understand patterns
of variation:
- overweight pigs
- underweight pigs
- out-of-probe-specification pigs
- percentage of pigs in the ‘optimum box’.
Common reasons for variation include:
Nutrition and Feed Management
- incorrect diet specification
- inconsistent diet ingredients for co-product and home mixers
- inadequate feeding space, depending on system
- lack of clean, constantly accessible water (water intake ensures good feed intake).
- poorly-maintained buildings
- below or above optimum stocking density, which can lead to compromised growth.
Seasonal Effects
Year on year, there is a trend for probe and carcass weights to be lower during the warmer months and increase going into autumn.
Health Status
The better the health, the greater the chance
the pig has of achieving its genetic
October 2012