Centralia Swine Research Update 2015
Proceedings of the Centralia Swine Research Update held in January 2015.
To read the full papers from the Centralia Swine Research Update, click on the link below.
- An Investigation of Iron Deficiency and Anaemia in Piglets - Amanda Kubik, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
- The Use of Zinc in Swine Production and Its Link to Antimicrobial Resistance - Mackenzie Slifierz, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph
- Feeding of Fermented DDGS in a Liquid Feed System to Weanling Pigs: Improving Growth
- Performance using Fibre Manipulation with Enzymes and Microbial Inoculants - Melissa Wiseman, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph
- Improving Sow Productivity through Genetics and Genomics - Laurence Maignel, Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement Inc.
- Animal Health Laboratory Update - Dr Jim Fairles, Animal Health Lab, University of Guelph
- Dynamics of Nitrogen Retention in Gestating Sows – Implications for Feeding Programs - Emily Miller, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph
- Preparing For the Next Emerging Disease – Lessons Learned From PED - Dr Lisa Becton, Director, Swine Health Information and Research, National Pork Board
- Environmental Enrichment for Growing Swine - Heather Neureuther, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph
- PED Research Update 2013-2014 - Dr Lisa Becton, Director, Swine Health Information and Research, National Pork Board
- Swine Influenza – The Pattern of Infection in a Nursery, Not What You Would Expect - Dr Juliana Ferreira, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
- Challenges of Designing a Diet Using Local Feedstuffs for Ugandan Subsistence Farmers - Natalie Carter, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
- Economic Impact of PRRS: The Difference Between All-In/All-Out vs Continuous Flow Nursery Management - Dr Radu Zorzolan, Agribrands Purina
- Pain Control in Pigs - Dr Robert Friendship, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
Written-only Topics
- Ontario Pork Research and Partnerships - J. Howden
- OSHAB ARC&E Overview - L. Moser
- Ontario Farm Income Database – Benchmarking Swine Farms - R. Duffy, K. McEwan, K. Poon
- An Epidemiological Study of Genetic Resistance against Salmonella Shedding and Immune Response against Salmonella in Pigs - M. Ainslie, V. Farzan, R. Friendship, C.F.M de Lange, B. Lillie
- Nursery Diet Complexity in Commercial Settings: Impact on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality - H. Reinhardt, V. Farzan and K. de Lange
- Using Ketones as a Diagnostic Tool for Identifying Nursery Pig Anorexia - A. Kubik, T. O’Sullivan, J. Harding, R. Friendship
- Factors Associated With the Use of Antimicrobials Commonly Applied For Treatment of Swine Dysentery in the Grower-Finisher Phase of Production - K. Walczak, Z. Poljak, R. Friendship
- Characterising Streptococcus suis from Clinical Cases and Healthy-Carrier Pigs - E. Arndt, V. Farzan, G. Soltes, J. MacInnes, R. Friendship
- Mixing (Compounding) Iron Dextran with NSAIDs for Use in Piglets - S. Ramkissoon, T. O’Sullivan, J. DeLay, S. Enouri, R. Friendship, R. Johnson
- The Search for a Nutritional Solution for the Control of Boar Taint - P. Park, I.B. Mandell, and E.J. Squires
- Investigation of the Spread of PRRS Virus between Swine Sites Participating in an ARC&E Project in Ontario - A.G. Arruda, R. Friendship, J. Carpenter, K. Hand, D. Ojkic, Z. Poljak
- Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) - M. Barham
- Prairie Swine Centre Research Reports
updated April 2015