Centralia Swine Research Update 2014
List of papers presented (in oral and written form) at the 33rd Annual Centralia Swine Research Update on 29 January 2014 at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre in Kirkton, Ontario, Canada.
To read the full papers from the Centralia Swine Research Update, click on the link below.
- In-Transit Losses of Pigs: An Investigation of Hog Heart Health - Kathy Zurbrigg, OMAF and MRA/University of Guelph
- Rodenticide Ingestion in Swine: A Project to Assist Veterinarians with Detection and
- Establishing Possible Withdrawal Times - Dr Ron Johnson, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, University of Guelph
- Antimicrobial Resistance – What is it and Why should you care? - Dr Anne Deckert, Dept. of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
- Hernias – From the Processors Side of the Chute - Frank Wood, Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd
- Genetic Resistance to Disease - Dr Brandon Lillie, Dept. of Pathobiology, University of Guelph
- Benchmarking Ontario Swine Farms - Randy Duffy, University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus
- Sow Lameness: Being Aware and Taking Action - Dr Yolande Seddon, Prairie Swine Centre, Inc., Saskatchewan
- Entire Males for Commercial Pork Production - Dr Kees de Lange, Dept. of Animal & Poultry Science, University of Guelph
- Identification of Anorexic Piglets During the First Week After Weaning - Dr Terri O’Sullivan, Dept. of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
- Impact of Nursery Diet Protein Quality and Fish Oil Supplementation on Immune Response of Pigs - Dr Seema Hooda, Dept. of Animal & Poultry Science, University of Guelph
- Considerations for Providing Quality Space to Loose Housed Sows - Dr Yolande Seddon, Prairie Swine Centre, Inc., Saskatchewan
- Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Update - Dr Mike DeGroot, Ontario Pork
Written-only Topics
- Ontario Pork Research - J. Howden
- National Swine Traceability Program - S. Cottee
- Participants at Swine Knowledge Transfer Events and Their Information Preferences - B. Ball and C.F.M. de Lange
- Development and Field Trial of Producer Driven PRRS Area Regional Control and Elimination Projects (PRRS ARC&E) - Ontario Swine Health Advisory Board
- The Economic Impact of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) on Nursery and Grower-Finisher Production in Ontario - R. Zorzolan, Z. Poljak, K. McEwan, and R. Friendship
- Spatial Trend for PRRS in Swine Herds in a Control Area - A.G..Arruda, Z. Poljak, R. Friendship, J. Carpenter and K. Hand
- Genetic Diversity of Haemophilus parasuis - P. Boerlin, J. MacInnes, Z. Poljak, and J. Gallant
- Microbiome of the Tonsils of the Soft Palate of Swine: Possible Roles in Health and Disease - J. MacInnes, S. Kernaghan, D. Slavic, S. Chen and Z. Poljak
- The Etiological Diagnosis of Diarrhea in Neonatal Piglets in Ontario Between 2001 and 2010 - G. Chan, A. Farzan, J. DeLay, B. McEwen, J. Prescott and R. Friendship
- An Investigation into the Effects of Zinc Oxide in Pig Starter Rations on the Persistence of Antibiotic Resistance - M.J. Slifierz, R. Friendship, and J.S. Weese
- Emergence of Mucohaemorrhagic Diarrhea Associated With “B. Hampsonii” in Western Canada - J.C.S. Harding, C. Fernando, J. Rubin and J.E. Hill
- Improving Soybean Meal Nutrient Value via Fermentation Using Newly Isolated Bacteria - S. Medeiros, H. Cai, C.F.M. De Lange, J. Li
- Research Update: Enrichment Devices for Nursery and Grow-Finisher Pigs - H. Neureuther, P. Canning and T. Blackwell
- Impact of Nursery Diet Quality and Fish Oil Supplementation on Growth Performance of Pigs - S. Hooda, N. Richmond, D. Wey, J. Zhu, and C.F.M. de Lange
- Non-Protein Nitrogen is Used Efficiently for Improving Protein Deposition and Feed Efficiency in Growing Pigs - W. Mansilla, D. Columbus, J.K. Htoo, and C.F.M. de Lange
March 2014