Alternatives to antibiotics as growth promoters
Given the ongoing debate about farm use of antibiotics, one recent news article has suggested that spices might be an alternative. We have done some research on this subject and have pulled together some background information on possible alternatives to antibiotics. As more information is resourced, this article will be updated.
The first section of this article was written by Bent Borg Jensen, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Nutrition and Physiology
The following section was written by By William H. Close, Close Consultancy, Wokingham, UK and summarized by Michelle Follensbee Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Feeding sub-therapeutic levels of antimicrobials to farm animals has become an integral part of livestock production. However, this practice has been associated with bacterial resistance to certain antibiotics which is a concern for the producers and the public. In this presentation, William Close discussed promising alternatives to antibiotic growth enhancers.
What are growth promoters?
Growth promoters are compounds that are added to feeds to improve feed utilisation and the growth of farm animals. All non-nutrient feed additives that improve animal growth can, in principle, be described as growth promoters, antibiotics and chemotherapeutics being widely used examples. In countries such as the USA, hormones and beta-blockers are also used as growth promoters, but the use of these compounds is forbidden in the EU.Antibiotic growth promoters
In earlier years, antibiotics were widely used as growth promoters in pig production. They are added to the feed to improve the digestibility and uptake of nutrients along the alimentary canal, and to reduce the opportunity for harmful bacteria to establish themselves in the gut. The increased use of antibiotics has, however, given rise to a fear of the development of resistant bacteria which, directly or via the meat, could be transferred from the alimentary canal of the animal to humans. This would cause a reduction in the options for using valuable antibiotics to fight diseases in both animals and humans. For this reason, the use of many antibiotic growth promoters is prohibited in the EU.Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters
In recent years there has been considerable interest in finding or developing alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters. Many types have been examined: probiotics (bacterial cultures), oligosaccharides and yeast, other carbohydrates, ethereal oils, taste and aromatic compounds, plant extracts, yucca products, clay minerals, organic acids/salts, and fermented mash. In general, all these products have produced variable results in pig production, best results being obtained with the probiotics, organic acids and fermented mash.Organic acids/salts
Research into the use of organic acids has produced many interesting findings, although variations in the results obtained probably reflect the fact that in many studies these acids were used in too low concentrations. Additions of organic acids in the following concentrations have produced positive effects: Acetic acid 2.7%, citric acid 1.5 - 2.0%, fumaric acid 1.5 - 2.0%, lactic acid 1.5 - 2.0%, and formic acid 1.2%. The results suggest that the more acid is used the better the result. Formic acid is the only exception, and one should take care not to feed too much. The salts of different organic acids have also given positive results. In general it can be concluded that organic acids are currently a realistic alternative to antibiotic growth promoters.Fermented mash
An alternative to organic acids is fermented mash. This is characterised by a low pH (<4.5), a high concentration of lactic acid (> 150 mmol/l), and high densities of lactic acid bacteria (> 109 organisms/g) and yeast cells (> 107 organisms/g). Research at the Danish Institute for Agricultural Sciences has shown that fermented mash affects microbial metabolism in the alimentary canal of both baby and bacon pigs. The investigations show that pigs which received fermented mash had lower microbial activity in the stomach and small intestine. A similar result was found earlier when pigs were fed growth promoter antibiotics. The results also show that the number of coliform bacteria was markedly reduced in the alimentary canals of pigs fed on fermented mash, suggesting a more healthy gut environment. On the other hand no significantly better animal growth or feed utilisation was observed. The same has been found in English studies. Selection for particularly effective lactic acid bacteria and/or yeast cells appears to hold great potential to optimise this response.Probiotics
Over the last 10 - 15 years, probiotics (living microbial cultures) have often been proposed as an alternative to antibiotics. General opinion is that for a bacterial culture to produce a probiotic effect it should a) be able to establish itself in the alimentary canal, b) excrete metabolites that prevent the growth of disease-promoting micro-organisms, and c) be amenable to cultivation under industrial conditions, the product being well defined and durable. The concept has been that a probiotic should be given once or twice, after which the bacterium should establish itself in the alimentary canal, replacing any disease-promoting micro-organisms. However, this approach has never given convincing results. Furthermore, it has proved practically impossible to get probiotic bacteria to establish themselves in a stable alimentary canal system. Most research scientists thus agree that in order for these bacteria to have any effect they must be added to the food on a daily basis. Moreover, the use of probiotic bacterial cultures is expected to have greatest effect when the alimentary flora of pigs are unstable, that is, at birth, after weaning and subsequent to an extended period of treatment with antibiotics.The following section was written by By William H. Close, Close Consultancy, Wokingham, UK and summarized by Michelle Follensbee Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Feeding sub-therapeutic levels of antimicrobials to farm animals has become an integral part of livestock production. However, this practice has been associated with bacterial resistance to certain antibiotics which is a concern for the producers and the public. In this presentation, William Close discussed promising alternatives to antibiotic growth enhancers.
Diet Acidification
Acids generally lower the pH and buffering capacity of the diet, reduce the pH within the stomach, increase nutrient digestibility, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and decrease intestinal bacterial growth. The benefits of using acids include an improvement in gastrointestinal health, enhanced growth performance and improved feed efficiency. The growth-promoting effects of acids are most prominent in the first few weeks after weaning.Oligosaccharides
An essential step in the development of intestinal illness is the binding of the pathogenic bacteria to the surface of the intestine. Bacteria have glycoproteins on their surface which can recognize and combine with the sugars on the surface of the gut wall. However, if the bacteria attach to a sugar or oligosaccharide which is not part of the gut wall, but is an indigestible component of the feed, then they are excreted from the animal without causing the animal any digestive problems. Mannose and fructose oligosaccharides are being investigated for this purpose. Studies to date have shown that oligosaccharides can improve the growth rate of weaned piglets, reduce the FCR and reduce scouring.Enzymes
Enzymes have been shown to improve growth rates, for a range of pig diets, due to an improvement in nutrient digestion and absorption (Partridge and Hazzledine, 1997). Enzymes have also reduced scouring, since less undigested material passes into the large intestine, thereby reducing the substrate available for the bacterial growth. In addition, enzymes, such as -galactosidases, pentosanases and proteases, can specifically target antinutritional factors which impair digestion.Herbs / Flavors
Herbs enhance antimicrobial activity, have antiviral and antioxidative properties, stimulate the endocrine and immune system and can stimulate appetite by improving palatability. Although a wide range of herbs, spices and oils are available for inclusion in animal feeds, one which has been most widely investigated is garlic. In pigs, the inclusion of 0.05% garlic in the diet maintained the efficiency of feed utilization, reduced the incidence of scouring and number of piglets that died, compared to an antimicrobial growth enhancer (Jost, 1996) (Table 1).Table 1: Effect of Garlic on the performance of weaned piglets, 11-24 kg | ||||
Treatment | 0% Garlic | 0.05% Garlic | 0.25% Garlic | 50 ppm Mecadox |
Feed Intake (g/d) | 710 |
736 |
691 |
825 |
Growth rate (g/d) | 382 |
414 |
376 |
465 |
Feed: Gain (g/d) | 1.88 |
1.77 |
1.83 |
1.77 |
Losses (%) | 15.6 |
- |
3.1 |
9.4 |
Treatment for Diarrhoea (%) | 6.3 |
6.2 |
9.4 |
21.9 |