African Swine Fever: Recent Developments and Timely Updates
The dynamics of the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) are described as 'worrisome' in a new report from FAO, and it warns that the steady spread towards unaffected areas could have a disastrous impact.In the latest report from the FAO Empres, Klaas Dietze, Daniel Beltrán-Alcrudo, Sergei Khomenko, Boubacar Seck, Julio Pinto, Juan Lubroth and Vincent Martin of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Adama Diallo and Charles Lamien of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) express their concerns about the steady spread of ASF towards unaffected areas, leading to potentially disastrous consequences.
ASF is now established beyond Africa, in
the Caucasus and the Russian Federation, where it is having a
particularly devastating impact on small-scale pig farmers, who
are losing a valuable protein source and cash income, according to the FAO report. In the
past, the virus was already detected outside Africa from the
1950s to the 1980s in Europe, the Caribbean and Brazil.
Recent developments in Eastern Europe indicate that a further
geographic expansion of ASF is likely to occur, requiring increased
prevention and vigilance to protect swine populations
and the associated business and livelihoods.
Current ASF Dynamics (2011/12)
ASF is considered endemic in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, ASF dynamics remain variable from one sub-region to another. Certainly, the upsurge of ASF in many areas is driven by the tremendous growth of the pig sector seen in Africa, with some countries more than doubling their pig populations in less than a decade (Figure 1; countries in red) and the increased movement of people and products.
Since most of this increase is taking place in smallholder or
backyard husbandry systems with low levels of biosecurity, the
sector growth comes along with disease prevention and control
challenges. Eradication of ASF in Africa is very difficult with
the currently available tools, i.e. there is no vaccine available, so
prevention and control efforts should focus on the reduction of
disease burden in domestic swine (through improved husbandry
practices), and protection of areas not affected by the disease
(through controlled trade and swine sector development
programmes that stress awareness and prevention measures).
Western Africa: ASF occurs sporadically in most countries
of the region. Cape Verde experienced a further spread of
the disease in early 2011. Togo reported outbreaks in the
south of the country, a region that had not been affected
before, with stamping out measures apparently limiting
potential epidemic spread. Unlike in southern and eastern
Africa, the role of wild suids in maintaining virus circulation
is not clear.
Central Africa: New developments are taking place in
northern Cameroon, where the disease is spreading into
new areas. Southern Chad reported its first outbreak in
2011. Interestingly, ASF genotypes IX and X, up to now
restricted to eastern Africa, have spread into the region.
Eastern Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda all have reported
increased numbers of outbreaks. The role of increased
peri-urban pig production is reflected in outbreaks
surrounding the bigger cities like Kampala, Mombasa and
Dar es Salaam.
Southern Africa: South Africa reported several outbreaks
south of their ASF endemic zone, which is located in the
northeast of the country. Outside this zone, the sylvatic
cycle is believed to be absent leaving domestic pig/pork-to-
pig transmission as the main route of transmission.
(a) Map showing African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks between 2003 and 2008.
Shading indicates a country within which an outbreak has occurred. Symbols represent ASF genotypes (determined by B646L (p72) sequencing) known to be in circulation within that country (Basto et al. 2003; Lubisi et al. 2005; Boshoff et al. 2007; Rowlands et al. 2008).
(b) Phylogram depicting the B646L gene relationships of selected isolates representative of the 22 AFSV genotypes.
Moz, Mozambique; Lis, Lisbon; Zim, Zimbabwe; Mad, Madagascar; Bot, Botswana; RSA, Republic of South Africa; Spec, Spencer; Ten, Tengani; Nam, Namibia; Uga, Uganda; Tan, Tanzania; Kab, Kabu. Scale bar indicates number of nucleotide substitutions per site (Rowlands et al. 2008)
Source: Costard et al. 2010. Copyright 2009, The Royal Society
Eastern Europe/Caucasus
Since its introduction to the Caucasus in 2007, ASF has had severe
effects on the swine production in the region. Despite the
absence of reports since 2008, the disease is still believed to be
present in Georgia, while Armenia reported its last ASF outbreaks
in 2011.
Within the Russian Federation, 2011 was a year
of wide geographic spread in the western part of the country,
with outbreaks reported from the south, where the disease is
now considered endemic, to the Arctic Circle (see Figure 3).
In 2012, after several years on high alert, an ASF outbreak was
reported on 30 July in Komyshuvatka, Ukraine, on the coast of
the Black Sea and some 150km from the Russian border. The
outbreak affected five backyard pigs and the virus was presumably
introduced through contaminated food (swill) fed to pigs
that had been brought by people coming for holidays from the
Russian Federation. Quarantine restrictions were introduced
in the outbreak area and depopulation, destruction of animals
and disinfection of the premises took place, without any secondary
outbreak being detected during the following weeks
thus far. Of epidemiological significance are the repeated occurrence
of ASF outbreaks that represent long-distance jumps
in the Russian Federation (and most recently in Ukraine), often
followed by secondary outbreaks, thus indicating local transmission
(see Figure 3).
In the Russian Federation, the military
supply system has been involved in these jumps. Within the
Russian Federation, the main route of spread is apparently
through the pork marketing chain that brings cheap, inexpensive
and contaminated pork and pork products from infected
areas. Subsequent swill feeding and improper disposal of carcasses
exposes susceptible pig populations. The fact that ASFV
remains infective over weeks up to months in tissues and pork
products allows its persistence in the environment and in refrigerated
and frozen meat and meat products.
The role of wild boar (Sus scrofus ferus) in ASF spread and
maintenance, although unclear, seems to depend mostly on
their population density and the potential interaction with low-biosecurity
pig production (free-ranging and scavenging pigs in
particular), disposed carcasses of infected animals or food waste
containing pork products. In the Russian Federation, wild boar
have frequently been found to be infected (see Figure 3), and
authorities have subsequently supported increased hunting.
Disease Impact
The EMPRES report says that, with the exception of the above-mentioned regions and
Sardinia (Italy), where the disease remains endemic, the rest
of the world is currently free of ASF.
With the increase in
outbreaks in many African countries and the recent developments
in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, ASF has received increased attention from governments
and international organizations alike over the past five years because of the threat of
further international spread of the disease. If ASF were to be
detected in a country or economic community that currently
participates in the international pork market as an exporter,
the financial losses would increase exponentially. Countries at
risk have therefore invested in prevention and early detection,
such as a number of simulation exercises in Eastern Europe,
preparing contingency plans and increased surveillance efforts.
Capacity development efforts have been conducted for veterinary
services and their laboratories in European and Asian
countries by FAO and other agencies.
The continuing presence and further spread of ASF has hampered
pig sector development in sub-Saharan Africa, leaving it
well below its full potential. A similar situation has been observed
in the Caucasus and Eastern European countries. In the
Russian Federation alone, until mid 2012, as many as 300,000
pigs have died or have been culled due to ASF and control efforts.
According to information from Rosselkhoznadzor, the
Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance
of the Russian Federation, the overall losses to the pig sector
are estimated to be some US$240 million to date.
With ASF mainly affecting the backyard sector, the disease
affects the most vulnerable stakeholders of the pig sector,
who receive little or no support during the recovery phase,
e.g. compensation. Thus, ongoing outbreaks in Africa, Eastern
Europe and the Caucasus are constantly threatening the livelihoods
and household food security of large numbers of people.
Epidemiological Outlook
Given the current epidemiological situation, there is little doubt
that ASF will continue its geographic expansion in the years to
come, as proven by the recent developments in Ukraine, according to the FAO report. For
Europe, this means countries lying along the western border
of the Russian Federation should be on highest alert. In addition
to preventing ASF expansion into new unaffected areas
and reducing the ASF burden on domestic pig populations in
southern and eastern Africa, additional attention should be given
to new genotypes becoming established outside the sylvatic
transmission cycle.
The upsurge of ASF and the continuing failure of conventional
prevention and control measures to counter its further
spread underlines the urgent need for a shift of focus of the
current approaches. FAO recognizes the need to address the
small-scale commercial and backyard sectors specifically as key
to making progress in controlling ASF through improved communication,
awareness, access to extension services at community
level and ensuring that small holders receive compensation
There is also a pressing need to understand better wild boar population dynamics and their movement patterns,
as well as the distribution and competence of soft ticks in the
Caucasus, for which further study and resources are needed.
Concerns have also been raised regarding the level of preparedness
for a potential introduction into the areas of high pig
density in China and Southeast Asia. China alone is home to
approximately 50 per cent of the world’s pig population. Not
only can this happen as a result of an eastward spread from
the Russian Federation, but special attention must be given to
the increased trade-related movement of people and products
between this region and the African continent.
Response and Action
EMPRES is currently developing a methodology to empower
local communities (pig keepers, butchers, middlemen, etc.) to
better prevent and respond to ASF in a sustainable and realistic
manner, in particular when veterinary services have serious
constraints to support farmers at the local level.
The development
of the strategies is based on the collection of quantifiable
and detailed information on the different aspects of the pig
sector (socio-economics, husbandry, market chains, awareness
level, etc). This work evolved from the experiences of FAO's
emergency response projects to the ASF outbreaks in Georgia
and Armenia, which focused on early detection and control,
capacity building for veterinary services and laboratory diagnosis
and filling knowledge gaps on risk factors such as soft tick
At regional level, FAO is seeking consensus with member
countries and partner organizations in Africa on a joint prevention
and control strategy for ASF for Africa in collaboration
with the African Union's Interafrican Bureau for Animal
Resources (AU-IBAR) and the International Livestock Research
Institute (ILRI). For such purpose, meetings have been held
in N’Djamena, Chad, for Central African countries (2011),
and Mombasa, Kenya (2012), for eastern African countries. A
meeting covering western African countries is also scheduled
for late 2012 in Accra, Ghana.
FAO has also established a database in EMPRES-i (EMPRES
Global Animal Disease Information System [click here] on host densities (wild boar and the different pig production
systems in Eurasia), and disease outbreaks information
reported by national authorities. This data will facilitate situation
analyses and risk modelling for ASF spread and persistence.
At global level, FAO is in the early stages of shaping a Global
Alliance on ASF, a multi-stakeholder initiative comprising not
only the international organizations and their member countries,
but also including research groups and the private sector
to join forces against ASF and assure better coordination of
The FAO/International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Joint
Division has taken steps to strengthen the diagnostic capacity
of veterinary laboratories in European Member States for the
quick identification of ASF for early reaction through human
capacity building and transfer of technologies, including training
courses at the IAEA Laboratory at Seibersdorf in Austria
for scientists from East Europe (May 2012; Sponsored by
the IAEA Technical Cooperation Department) and Lanavet in
Garoua, Cameroon (July-August 2012; Sponsored by USAID
funds through the tripartite FAO/OIE/WHO Identify Project
and the African Renaissance Funds (South Africa) project run
by the IAEA).
Recommendations for the Prevention and Control of ASF and Other Infectious Diseases of Swine
No vaccines or drugs are available to prevent or treat ASF infection, according to the EMPRES report. Therefore, it is particularly important that ASF-free areas are maintained free through strict prevention and control measures.
Prevention: Import quarantine policy: The OIE Terrestrial
Animal Health Code (2012 edition, Sections 2 and 5; click here) provides guidelines for the safe importation of
domestic and wild pigs, pork and pork products, pig semen,
embryos and ova and other products incorporating pig tissues,
such as pharmaceuticals. Attention should be paid to providing
adequate regulatory and quarantine services to intercept foodstuffs
and other risk materials.
Zoning: If the disease is endemic in only part of a country
and it is possible to establish diseased and disease-free zones
and enforce tight controls on the movement of pigs and products
between zones, then zoning is an important component
towards progressive elimination or eradication efforts.
Stamping out and disposal: All infected and in-contact
pigs must be humanely slaughtered. Culling or 'stamping out'
is often rejected by pig owners when there is no compensation
programme in place, and this may contribute to dissemination
of the disease through uncontrolled or illegal movement
of diseased animals.
The carcasses of destroyed pigs must be
disposed of in a safe manner after stamping out is completed.
Carcasses must be burnt or buried deeply, on-site if possible.
This may prevent consumption by feral pigs, scavenging
animals, or carcasses dragged away from the disposal site. The
disposal of very large numbers of pigs in a short time presents
environmental and logistic problems.
More information on on-site slaughter and disposal procedures is available in the FAO
Manual on procedures for disease eradication by stamping out [click here].
Compensation: Compensation is key to encourage early
reporting. The lack of adequate compensation for culled animals
(in terms of timing and quantity), may lead to outbreaks
not being reported, and to emergency slaughter by farmers
either for their own consumption, for sale at local markets, or
inappropriate disposal of the carcasses in areas accessible to
other domestic, feral or wild swine.
Cleaning and disinfection: The cleaning of organic matter
from sheds, equipment, vehicles, etc. is an important step
before disinfection. Vehicles and personnel (shoes, clothing
and equipment) should be disinfected on entering and leaving
The proven disinfectants are detergents, hypochlorites,
alkalis and glutaraldehyde. It is important to ensure that the
use of disinfectants meets regulatory requirements, as some of
these disinfectants may have residual effects or prove damaging
to the environment.
Tick control: Elimination of Ornithodorus ticks from old
pigsties is a complex challenge because of tick longevity and
endurance. Ticks can resist for long periods without feeding,
hidden in cracks that are not reached by acaricides. It is recommended
not to house pigs in infested buildings, to isolate the
pigsties and even destroy and rebuild these in another location.
Sentinel animals and restocking: Depopulated premises
should not be restocked for at least 40 days following cleaning
and disinfection. Seronegative sentinel swine should be closely
monitored for at least six weeks (clinically and serologically) to
detect any re-infection.
Wildlife control: If ASF were to be established in the feral
pig or wild boar population, it would be much more difficult to
eliminate, the FAO report says. Accordingly, the strategy should be to minimize contact
between feral pigs and domestic pigs, preferably through
double fencing of piggeries, elimination or reduction of the
numbers of feral pigs in areas where domestic pigs are held,
and immediate disposal of carcasses, entrails or other discarded
body parts to prevent consumption by feral pigs or other
If, despite the methods above, the disease were
to become endemic in wild boar, there is controversy about
the best ways to control it. Hunting pressure may be counterproductive,
since it may increase the size of the home-range
and force long distance movements. Besides, hunting management
does not always reduce the population of wild boar.
Supplementary feeding, while maintaining wild boar within a
known, well-defined area and limiting dispersal, will increase
the opportunity for close contact and disease transmission.
Where hunting is regulated, hunters and hunting clubs can be
important collaborators of the veterinary services in the surveillance
FAO. 2012. African Swine Fever (ASF) Recent developments and timely updates - Worrisome dynamics: Steady spread towards unaffected areas could have disastrous impact. In Focus on No. 6. [electronic bulletin]. Rome, FAO.
Further ReadingYou can view the full report from FAO by clicking here. |
September 2012