Piglets on Display at Campbell Farm, Discovery Centre

CANADA - Officials with the University of Manitoba's Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre are inviting the public to visit while a just-born group of piglets is on display.
calendar icon 1 May 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

The Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre, located at the University of Manitoba's Glenlea Research Station home to the National Centre for Livestock and the Environment just south of Winnipeg, is designed as an outreach centre to provide people information about the science and technology involved in getting food from the farm to their plates.

Guy Robbins, the centre's visitor services manager, says the facility features a variety of hands-on exhibits including a tractor driving simulation, computer games and an exercise bike focusing on modern farming including four windows into the hog barn.

Guy Robbins-University of Manitoba:

The piglets were born in the last couple of days so they're basically brand new babies.
You can see them through one of the windows into the hog barn, into the birthing section and you can see them there with their mothers the sows.
They're very popular particularly amongst the visitors who are mainly school students and families.
It's a very good way for people to see the hog barn in action.
I think people are attracted by the interaction between the mothers, the sows and the piglets, to see them feeding, to see the welfare of them generally.
Robbins says interest in the Discovery Centre has been building as officials work toward their goal of 30,000 visitors per year.

For more information on the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre or to make arrangements to visit, visit farmandfooddiscoverycentre.ca, ffdc.ca or call (204) 883-2524.

For UniversityNews.Org, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

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