Pig Hijackers Caught in PRRS Quarantine Zone

VIET NAM - The authorities have thwarted a pig hijacking an area hit by blue ear disease.
calendar icon 24 March 2009
clock icon 3 minute read

Authorities stopped a group of hijackers from stealing a truck carrying more than 300 frozen swine in a blue ear pig disease epidemic zone on 21 March.

The truck driver had been stopped by disease control and commercial management agencies earlier for attempting to bring the 305 swine out of Que Son District, Quang Nam Province. The district is currently a quarantine zone due to an outbreak of blue ear pig disease.

The driver had been instructed to transport the frozen animals to a culling centre as it is illegal to transport pigs or pork out of the zone.

It was en route to the culling centre that three people on motorbikes pulled in front of the truck, forcing the vehicle to pull over.

While the would-be bandits checked the vehicle's inventory, nearby officials witnessing the ordeal called the police, who soon arrived at the scene and arrested the hijackers.

An increasing amount of smuggling across quarantine boundaries has been recorded over the last 10 days, said local authorities.

The province has ordered all district authorities in the quarantine zone to sterilize breeding areas for free but many villages have reported being charged fees of VND3,000 (US$0.17) per pig.

The disease has infected at least 1,300 pigs in Quang Nam Province so far.

Two other provinces, Quang Ninh in the north and Bac Lieu in the Mekong Delta, have been hit by the syndrome this year.

Blue ear disease, also known as Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), is a viral and economically important pandemic disease which causes reproductive failure in breeding stock and respiratory tract illness in young pigs.

Further Reading

- Find out more information on Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome, PRRS by clicking here.
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