FSA reiterates food safety protocols in light of 'superbug' reports
UK - The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has stepped up its advice on safe meat handling and cooking in a bid to quash worries over a strain of 'superbug' MRSA in farm animals.
A Soil Association report has highlighted a new strain of the bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that has developed among intensively farmed pigs, chickens and other livestock in Europe - primarily in the Netherlands, where it has spread to some farm workers and their families.
'The Agency is aware of this issue and we are keeping a watching brief on developments across Europe,' said Paul Cook of the Food Standards Agency Microbiological Safety Division.
The report is already being considered jointly by a number of Government agencies. Any possible emerging risk in the UK will be assessed, and appropriate action will be taken, says FSA.
'We have only just received the report from the Soil Association, which we will examine in detail," said Mr Cook. He said that none of the new strain of MRSA had been found in UK food-producing animals.
The Agency's advice on avoiding food poisoning bacteria applies equally to any strain of MRSA. Proper cooking will destroy MRSA.
Further Reading
MRSA in farm animals – A new monster heading for UKFor further information on food safety, handling and cooking contact the Food Standards Agency or click here.