Consumers Across the U.S. Tell the USDA to Not Allow Imposter Organics
US - Across the United States, thousands of consumers are responding to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) public comment period on revisions to the National Organic Program (NOP).A number of the USDA revisions relate to the "access to pasture" requirement for organic dairies. The Organic Consumers Association and other public interest groups are very concerned that the USDA NOP regulations contain loopholes and imprecise language that could continue to allow milk produced at giant intensive confinement dairy feedlots to be labeled as "USDA Organic."
"Many stores, especially big box stores, such as Wal-Mart, are scrambling to sell more products with the organic label as consumer demand for these products increases. Instead of the stocking more high-quality organic products, these industrial farms and retail giants are selling the public low-quality products. We are calling on the USDA to stop allowing these companies to label these sham products as organic," says Ronnie Cummins, executive director of the Organic Consumers Association.
Source: Common Dreams